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Sunday 22 August 2021

A unique 130 mile cycling challenge



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Charity Bike Rides is proud to promote support for Homeless people

We are doing this as part of the Maslow's First Law campaign

By riding in support of Maslow's First Law, you will be financially assisting an exciting project to be undertaken by a specific Homelessness Charity to run a Micro-Home Village.

Micro Homes


Funds raised by Riders supporting the campaign are held in a separate managed fund overseen by an independent board.  The board will select a Charity to spearhead the project alongside

professional project partners.  

RIDERS can ride either as a Soloist or as a Team Rider.

There is a £200 minimum fundraising target to meet before the Ride.

A select group of Riders and Relay Teams are going to be the focus of a

National Fundraising Campaign in support of Maslow's First Law.

The selection will be made according to a combination of criteria, including a Team's own stated motivation for supporting Homeless people. 

The Rider Entry cost is £19 until 22Jun21 when it will rise to £29.

For further details of the Rider Package see Homeless Lives Matter

So, you can join the Ride for JUST £19 and start fundraising immediately


If Riders refer others to join the Thames Head Challenge

whether they choose to ride in support of Homeless people or not

a Referral Reward Scheme applies

See Rider Entry Costs and incentives

And finally:

A limited number of Rider Places are available in the Thames Head Challenge.

To avoid disappointment, do register early, both for yourself and any team members joining as a Relay Team.

We thank you for choosing to take part in the Thames Head Challenge 2021

and for choosing to support this cause:

Maslow's First Law

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Charity Bike Rides route signage
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Charity Bike Rides

the bike shed  |  hampton street  |  tetbury  |  gloucestershire  |  gl8 8ld  |  uk

++44 [0] 1 666 500 880 

copyright 2022

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